First Time Using The Randonaut App, "Randonautica"... all I have to say is WOW!!!
First Time Using The Randonaut App, "Randonautica" [full video] ^
Going into Randonauting I felt a bit skeptical but I knew the great power of the mind so I was optimistic that I would get a good experience with this app "Randonautica." I quickly learned how to use it by sending my location so that the ANU server could give me random coordinates based on my mental thoughts and energy that I was manifesting into the universe.
We started with the intent of creativity and then the very first place that we got to had a pink upside-down umbrella and I didn't think anything of it until my girlfriend told me that she used to draw umbrellas as a child!
It had a lot of deep meaning to her even though it didn't mean much to me, but seeing the umbrella was symbolic of how she expressed her creativity as a child.
Next, we started the next intent of peace/calmness... this is where things started to get crazy!
It took us to a location only a few minutes away and this is where we got suspicious because we've been along this little pathway many times... but this time was different!
The first thing that we noticed was a rabbit but then we went on and then a few kids on their bikes pulled out of the woods ahead and sped up towards us. As they passed us they mooned us which was quite shocking but funny! LOL
The part of the woods that they came out of was a little fort that we have seen before but we never got to go in because the kids were always there.
But this time we got to go inside since they just left- perfect timing! The little fort that they made was really cool- it was all out of wood and they created structures, fences, shelves with things in there, a foundation for a tree to grow, and some other things. (click here to see it:
This was a clear representation of creativity because the kids created all of those things by themselves and I used to do something similar as a kid. I used to make forts with my best friend and we would pretend to live out exciting lives!
While the intent of creativity was definitely expressed for us, it also connected strongly with the intent of peace and calmness because being able to express our imaginations as children brought us a lot of peace and calmness- and it was something that felt magical.
During all of this time was when Coronavirus started to get a lot of attention so I was noticing a lot of people panicking and getting fearful. While many people were feeling distressed over Caronavirus, the children were feeling joy through the use of their imagination and creativity.
My girlfriend and I have some more episodes that we shot and those experiences were got even more shocking!! To be continued....
Here's my playlist of my randonauting videos & a short video that explains what Randonauting is! [click to watch here]
If you want to read more about what Randonauting is here my blog post explaining it! [click here to read]