Introduction to Randonauting | My First Randonaut Experience
One of my favorite movies of all time is the Matrix. I felt like one day I would be sitting at work and all of a sudden I would get some kind of message that it was my time to break out of the Matrix… well something similar happened to me.
Instead of agent Smiths coming for me like in the movie, I stumbled upon this Twitter thread by Nick Hinton @NickHintonn called, “A Conspiracy Thread: Dimensional Jumpers.” He spoke about how he came across an article about The Fatum Bot and how it mentioned people being able to “jump dimensions and even hack the matrix.”
This quantum random number generator app is called, “Randonautica” and what it does is it creates random locations on a map. You can then travel to that location and at that point you may find something that may appear to be a “coincidence” for you. Do this often enough and you’ll soon realize that these are not “coincidences” but actually synchronicities instead.
The concept of “synchronicity” was first introduced by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist, who founded analytic psychology. He defines synchronicity as, “the acausal connection of two or more psychic and physical phenomena” (
“We often dream about people from whom we receive a letter by the next post. I have ascertained on several occasions that at the moment when the dream occurred the letter was already lying in the post-office of the addressee.” ― C.G. Jung, Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle
Another important concept to recognize before I get into the randonaut experience is quantum superposition. In quantum physics, matter can be found in multiple states at once, so it behaves as, “both wave and particle properties” ( “The Quantum Theory of Waves and Particles”).
Here’s a video that explains how this can occur through the double slit experiment first performed by Thomas Young in 1801. It shows how the perception of the observer is what changes the form that the electrons take on (wave or particle).
This implies that the app is not choosing random numbers because your thoughts and intentions are what are influencing the random number generator.
Nick goes on to say how, “mostly everything you do is the result of your past, your environment, the people around you, and your subconscious thought patterns and habits. You walk a narrow path without realizing it, but Fatum (the app) allows you to branch off onto another path, one you would never normally go down.”
He states that, “the founder of Fatum calls these paths probability tunnels, and each probability tunnel is like an alternate timeline, or dimension. These people who go out and explore the random corners of reality call themselves randonauts.”
More about quantum tunneling can be found here:
Nick also talks about how, “many randonauts also report weird ‘glitches in the matrix’ when they use Fatum for the first time. Things like phones turning off, cars not starting, bad weather, friends telling you to turn around, etc.”
I have also read about other people’s strange instances with randonauting on this Reddit page that you can check out for yourself:
He goes on about a movie called, “The Escape Room.” I’ve never seen it but Nick makes an interesting connection here referring back to how a quantum particle is ‘solid’ or ‘fixed’ based off of when it is observed:
“As a physics student, the main character knows this. She realizes as long as they are being watched by the game master, they can never win.
In an ‘ah-ha’ moment, she remembers the Quantum Zeno effect, whereby ‘atoms won’t change if one takes continuous measurements.’ It’s similar to the old phrase, ‘a watched pot never boils.
She decides to smash all the security cameras so the game master can’t observe them anymore, giving them a chance to change their situation. This makes me wonder about the affect of all the cameras surrounding us on a daily basis, including our own phones.”
Knowing all of this, I thought, “Maybe this app could be a chance to somehow break out of the matrix or channel a parallel universe?” I wasn’t really sure what this app could do or what exactly it meant. I was skeptical at first but hopeful that we could manifest something. So I decided to download the Randonautica app and give it a try. My girlfriend and I generated our first location and then our randonaut adventures began. In fact, many of our randomly generated points led us on eye-opening adventures. We are much more connected to the world around us than we might initially think.
Watch the video of my first randonaut adventure/Fatum Bot experience below. More episodes coming soon!